Friday, October 6, 2017

Bob's visit

                                                     We spent several days with Bob Lessey,  my oldest cousin. 

This is the famous Astoria column.

We visited Fort Clapsop and had a very nice visit.  We saw the visiting center and the fort which within feet of the original location. 

This is the visitor's center.
 They had a canoe based on the Lewis and Clark expeditions.

This is National Park Service trails.
 This is recreation of Sacagawea and her husband's bedroom at the fort.
This is Lewis and Clark's room.
 This is where the men were bunked.
This is the fort itself...just a few feet from the actual fort.

 This is the statue of Sacagawea, the Native American woman who traveled with the group.  She had an infant son, Jean Baptiste, who traveled with her.

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