Sunday, September 25, 2016

Trip to Newport

We visited Newport yesterday on Oregon's southern coast approximately 122 miles south of Seaside and Gearhart.  To get there, we drove past the Tillamook cheese factory which is 47 miles south.  (We stopped in to buy some of their terrific cheese.)

The Tillamook cheese factory is an important landmark.  We enjoy their grilled cheese sandwiches and other menu items.

Moving on to Newport, we discovered their historic lighthouse.
It sits on a bluff overlooking the sea and there is a house attached to it for the lightkeeper.

Newport is several miles long.  It reminds us of other coastal cities which stretch out for miles but is only a few blocks wide.

One of the distinctive landmarks is the bridge which crosses a wide river.

We stopped at a restaurant and had a great meal, in my case, popcorn shrimp and fries and Barb had a club sandwich.  Perfect.  And then we headed back up the road...our mission complete!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Rob and Vera visit

We just had a visit from Vera and Rob Tuesday afternoon.  They stayed overnight and we fixed them shish-kebob on the grill.

One of the joys of the evening was watching their trip across country and viewing several videos that we could see on our large screen TV.  Particularly the bison that attacked their car.  No damage, fortunately.

One of the other joys was that they got to meet Tuffy, our cat!  Tuffy continues to grow and he is rounding out at four pounds now according to the vets' scale.

We took him in for his second vaccination a couple days ago.

While Ed kept a dental appointment on Wednesday morning,  Vera, Rob and Barb got out the Scrabble game and competed.  I didn't get the final score but I think Rob won again.

And...Tuffy was the featured "guest cat" in Vera's fabulous Tiny Letters!