Saturday, September 12, 2015

Ocean City Labor Day weekend 2015

It has been awhile since I wrote anything in my blog.  It was a combination of things. Partly, I was sad following the death of my mother. Partly, it was the confluence of things to keep me busy.  Time to get back in the saddle again!

It is a recent tradition for Barb and me to travel to Ocean City for the Labor Day weekend and the following week.  It is still warm enough (sometimes even hot!) and we find the water to be delightful. This week was not an exception.

When we arrive Friday afternoon, it is typical that the beach has a few people on it.  I immediately went down and got in the water.  It was calm and warm, but that was about to change.
 Saturday and Sunday were another story.  The surf was very rough and there was a sharp undertow.  Also, the beach had suffered a strong erosion and a steep drop-off.  The beach-goers were staying very close to the shore and, although it was very warm (94 degrees), folks were reticent to get in the water.
But that didn't stop people from going to the beach.  Look at the crowds!   Everyone was trying to soak up the last sun of the summer.  The other thing we noticed was how many teenagers and young people were down at the beach.  Although the schools had already gone back into session, it was a big weekend for Ocean City, Maryland.

By Tuesday, it was a different story.  The beach was nearly deserted.  There were a few young families enjoying themselves, but mostly it was the "geezers" who owned the beaches now. And, of course, that was us!  We stayed until Thursday afternoon when we had another batch of rain (we needed it) and Barb headed to her Epworth Book Club at Bethany Beach and I headed home.  It was another great week at the beach.